

Cidade/EstadoTeresina / PI

I feel so sad this evening

Composição: Torquato Neto / Thiago E / Quaresma.
I Feel So Sad This Evening Torquato Neto, Thiago E, Quaresma Oh man I feel so sad this evening Oh yes man I know i've been sleeping But i'm not dreaming Anymore They're closed the door And the fight By knockout No surprises from my mouth I wish I wish is could sleep again They're coming they're coming All together man It's crazy We have no guns We have no hands I have no fun They're fighting now Inside myself There's no chances Mr. mad No surprises death squad Oh yes I feel so mad this evening I've bean just sleeping And by the time was dreaming They're closed the door I woke-up and realized That's why I'm gonna try not to sleep now That's why I wish i could always be Oh man As when i am without me Be free No glass but grass to see they faces Are so mad man Are so mad man Are so mad man




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