

Cidade/EstadoSão José dos Campos / SP

Yet Unseen

Composição: Breno Bacci.
restablished a condition one we once maintained the waves of tide play seek and hide where nothing's lost but we've found shame there's too much gas almost no air and no room to complain there's sun at night moon at daylight and ice within burnin' flames there's contradiction no shrinks to treat you from this desperate aching pain to live a life where the less you try the more you'll have to explain call the paramedics I'm havin' an OD my friends they are all laughin' but noone's helpin' me got tired of obligations got sick to ride the extremes I think this global warming is finally killin' me so do you think our hands are to count gold and that our nose's not to smell but to snort coke then when our lies dry our mouth and deaf us all will then our eyes only good just to watch porn I'm lookin' for a reason to start to take it real I'm runnin' out of hope I couldn't care any less I'm out to live it everyday as if it was the last you're longin' for a time when you felt fine you don't realise it's time to feel fine need a vacuum cleaner from the dust to keep me carbon monixide to inhale where does the wind blow? where does the shit go? to the ocean where we'll taste get me a new lung buy me a brand new heart one of my kidneys I will trade don't need breast implants but I'll have my nose done 'cos of a life with too much cocaine while you're fighting hard to get a SUV children turning screws in China endlessly we're cursed, on damnation our god is on vacations we'll have to figure out how to save ourselves cos' customer support is down, in India's a day-off you've made plans for life you don't want nothing changed then that bad tsunami came and washed your dreams away were flying to l.a. but you should have caught a train plane crashed into a building now you don't see stars you're in them now you know life's unfair, there's no court of appeals you're not the only one to drop all those high hopes we're out to live this like it is it, 'cos it won't last. it's time to live my life not so seriously time to open my eyes for things yet unseen if you don't like what I say come and get me I have one in store for you, you have none as it seems if some guys care for the pope why would they ignore me? I don't live at rome but I feel just as you feel and I live just as you live and I've dreamed just as you did fell off the clouds landed over shit don't tell me what I don't know tell me I'm not for real




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