The New Hype

The New Hype

Cidade/EstadoBelo Horizonte / MG

I Tried

Composição: Pétrison Rocha.
i tried to make the best that i could but it is never enough for you i fell from top, i gave them my blood but it is never enough for you i've cut my hair and stopped with my lies it wasn't enough for you enough is enough i'll never let one smash my balls again and have no revenge enough is enough i'll never let one piss on my scares again friend, feel my pain i tried to make the best that i could but it is never enough for you i tried to go beyond all the don'ts but it is never enough for you i've cut my hair and gave up from life it wasn't enough for you enough is enough i'll never let one smash my balls again and have no revenge enough is enough i'll never let one piss on my scares again friend, feel my pain i tried to make the best all the time i've cut my hair and gave up from life (i tried to make the best that i could)




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