

Cidade/EstadoNova Friburgo / RJ

Defraudation and Illicitation

Composição: Bruno Clercq.
Begins a new revolution - Led by public Disasters Government has to help us - They are real destroyers Defraudation and illicitation - This is our world, this is our reality In everything what I make - Nobody can stop me When we look at one side - We see ambition We see beggars dying hungry - Looking across the nation Defraudation and illicitation - This is our world, this is our reality In everything what I make - Nobody can stop me (RIFF) We are suffering the lack of infrastructure Only evade our Government - And we have no future Pay taxes to live - Poor schools and hospitals Spend more than we consume - We fall Riots are the answers - And no exist mobilization The anger stems - From the attitude of domination Defraudation and illicitation - This is our world, this is our reality In everything what I make - Nobody can stop me Riots are the answers - And no exist mobilization The anger stems - From the attitude of domination




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