Imagem de capa de Filelife


Cidade/EstadoAracaju / SE

X Life Jane

Composição: Diego Tauchert.
The life of Jane, crazy and soft, easy and hard, drown The life of Jane, crazy and soft, busy and outlaw Today, tell me who, watched on TV blast blonde laughing with innocent face, hiding bad skills she is wrong I don’t know what he asked to Jane which upset the child so, I will ask to Jane, wait or figure out Do not deny me this reply if you can be the same person than I The life of Jane, crazy and soft, easy and hard, drown The life of Jane, crazy and soft, busy and outlaw lets go to the east coast, bury our things and cross the border (go jane go!!!!) Do not deny me this reply if you can be the same person than I The life of Jane, crazy and soft, never stopped, drown The same lane, we had crossed and never crossed now Ohhh… Ohhh…




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