Denner Datti

Denner Datti

EstiloPop Rock
Cidade/EstadoSão Paulo / SP

Solitary in the City

Composição: Denner Datti.
Wandering through the city, not beliving I'm those lights Looking at all those faces, All these people, going home I'm alone, on my way Nothing but, lonely mases I dont no where to go in this dream Feeling like an empty soul Looking for some peace Under starless skies Dont know why I cant find it Everywhere I look Walking through all these buildings Seeing myself in broken windows Dropping though in the rain Leaving like morning birds Flying to daiwn, on my way Nothing but, lonely mases I dont no where to go in this dream Feeling like an empty soul Looking for some peace Under starless skies Dont know why I cant find it Everywhere I look Solitary in the city, not beliving I'm those lights Looking at all those faces, All these people, going home I'm alone, on my way Nothing but, lonely mases I dont no where to go in this dream Feeling like an empty soul Looking for some peace Under starless skies Dont know why I cant find it Everywhere I look Looking for some peace Under starless skies Dont know why I cant find it Everywhere I look




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