Samuel Yuri

Samuel Yuri

Cidade/EstadoSão Paulo / SP

West Song (Official Acoustic Version)

Composição: Samuel Yuri.
The West has a tale About a certain place The West has a tale About a deep cave Most who go there Never make it back Most who go there Never make it back The West has a tale About a certain cave The West has a tale About a deep cave They say there's a drink yeah A drink you may drink yeah They say there's a drink yeah A drink you should drink yeah If you go Could you bring Wont you bring This drink for me? The west has a tale About a strong beast The west has a tale About a fierce beast The ones who fought it yeah Never made it back yeah The ones who fought it yeah Could never survive yeah If you go Would you kill Wont you kill The beast for me? Wont you bring The Elixir? Cant you bring The Elixir? Would you go And bring for me The drink of life? The drink of life? Yeah




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