Rapha Chiavegati

Rapha Chiavegati

Cidade/EstadoSão Paulo / SP


Composição: Raphael Chiavegati Oliveira.
You are a brave girl, you have no fear You are so sweet, you have my sympathy You are so strong You fly very high Uneven bars, balance beam, floor and vault Everything you do is magic You are so flawless Perfect 10 You are breathtaking Your family must be proud Stronger than a spartan Cutest than a flower You are the bravest girl I've ever seen in life Trample the fear beneath your feet You have the eye of the tiger Determination I see perfection I love to watch you in your glory I love to see you on the top Top of the world Top of the world You are breathtaking Your family must be proud Stronger than a spartan Cutest than a flower You are the bravest girl I've ever seen in life But if you fall You just get up again You have the gift of overcoming Like a phoenix you will rise again You are breathtaking Your family must be proud Stronger than a spartan Cutest than a flower You are the bravest girl I've ever seen in life You are the bravest girl I've ever seen in life You are the bravest girl I've ever seen in life




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